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C/ Sepúlveda, 1, 3ª Planta (Edif. ONCE), 08015 Barcelona

Ámbito / Especialidad:

Breve descripción:
With the name  Associacio Retina Catalunya  (formerly Associacio d’afectats de Retinosi Pigmentaria a Catalunya)   this non-profit organization was created in 1988. The name Associacio d’afectats de Retinosi Pigmentaria a Catalunya was changed to Associacio Retina Catalunya in April 2018 The aims of this association are:

  • to encourage and improve medical-scientific research on PR and other retinal impairments
  • to foster individual and collective awareness of visual impairments.
  • to undertake different kind of activities aimed at the security of affected people.
  • to train and inform partners and the rest of the community about the problems posed by visual impairments and possible solutions, as well as to make known through communications or regular publications the latest scientific, clinical and technical advances  in the treatment of visual impairments.
In order to reach its goals, the association performs the following activities:    
  • to act in the area of public authorities to make them aware of the importance and  that significance that search of solutions has for affected people
  • to set up cooperation agreements with associations and groups with similar aims to the ones established in our statutes, in order to favour the development of means, ideas and knowledge.
  • to foster among members of the association a spirit of friendship and mutual help.
  • to organise or help in the running of awards in research projects, courses and lectures concerning research into retinitis pigmentosa and other retinal dystrophies.
  Any profit-making intention is hereby excluded  

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