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Calle Carretas 14, 4ª planta , puerta G1 -  28012 Madrid

Ámbito / Especialidad:

Breve descripción:
  Retina Madrid Association (hereinafter ARM) is a non-profit  organization, of social interest, which improves mutual aid,  established for an indefinite period of time, which is governed by the provisions of Organic Law 1/2002 , of March 22, governing the right of association (LODA), and by the regulatory measures that are set out in its development.   This organization, which since its creation in 1988 has been named  Asociaciòn Retina Madrid of the Community of Madrid, is a founding member of the Spanish Retina Foundation, which is a federation of associations of people affected by retinitis pigmentosa in the spanish state, as well as promoting partner of the foundation Fight Against Blindness.   ARM is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, free and independent from any ideology and religion, which is ruled with complete adherence to the Spanish Constitution and the rest of the legal system,as well as to the current statutes, following democratic criteria and democratic principles in all its functioning.   ARM was founded to fight against any causes and consequences that Hereditary Retinal Dystrophies (hereinafter DHR) inflict on the lives of those affected. To this end, its aims are as follows:

  • Bring together all those affected by DHR`s, whether they are directly or indirectly affected
  • Raise individual and group awareness in relation to visual disorders, particularly those of  hereditary-degenerative nature, and that damage the retina, highlighting retinitis pigmentosa and macular dystrophies as the most significant ones.
  • Promote in a direct and indirect way, specific research on the prevention, diagnosis, prediction and treatment of DHR`s, requesting from public and private institutions, and from medical and scientific community, their support to projects developed in this direction through the supply of the necessary resources
  • Spread information related to DHR`s both among members and professional groups and society as a whole.
  • Take any legal action considered appropriate for affected people and for research on DHR`s

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