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C/ Profesor Martín Lagos S/N 28040 Madrid

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Breve descripción:
The Spanish Aniridian Association was created on 15 June 1996. It is a non-profit association, inscribed in the register of Associatons of the minister of Home Office (No 161283) in the community of Madrid (E-1440.7), in the City Council of Madrid under No 2994, declared of Public Utility on July 2015 and stamped with the seal of Fundacion Lealtad since May 2018, complying with its 9 principles of transparency and good governance. Our association aims to be a reference point for both professionals and patients, linking the two groups and exchanging information in both directions. The importance of the association makes more sense as it is a resource of interaction, search and expression of information, feelings and hopes. The aim of this association is to promote, in all its aspects, the study and social, medical and scientific knowledge of the Aniridia and its pathologies. Moreover, we want  to protect the social rights of people suffering from Aniridia without any inequality due to their origin, place of residence or socio-economic situation, by providing universal coverage  of information, medical and surgical treatment, psychological, social and educational therapies, and by placing the people with Aniridia and their close family and friends at the forefront of attention.

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